Aug 13 - 16, 2024 : One Farrer Hotel : Singapore
2nd International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology in Construction Materials and Geotechnical Engineering
Bioinspired construction and geotechnical materials and applications
MICP, EICP and other biomineralization processes and applications
Self-healing materials
Biogeotechnical processes and applications
Utilization of solid waste and environmental applications
Production of bio-cements
Upscaled model tests and field trails
Abstract Submission :
31 December 2023
Announcement of Acceptance :
31 January 2024
1. The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts, and you will be notified by 31 December 2023 whether your abstract has been accepted and assigned for Podium Presentation or Poster Presentation.
2. The decision of the Scientific Committee is final.
3. All abstracts accepted will be published in the programme book which will be made available to all conference attendees.
4. Abstracts must be submitted in English, not exceeding 300 words. The material for presentation should be unpublished and original.
5. Selected papers will be published in BioGeotechnics.
6. Best Presentation Award : Cash prizes awaits the best presentation.